This is a publically available, digitized version of my personal Book of Shadows, started when I decided to return to the Wiccan path as a Traditional NeoWiccan between 2020 and 2022, after practicing as a Transitional Era Irish Reconstructionist for half a decade. As such, it contains information relevant to my own path and its current influences as a dual faith Masorti (Conservative) Jew and Traditional NeoWiccan, as well as an Ancestor Venerator who practices their traditional Ancestral Folk Magics within this paradigm. I am re-digitizing it here from its original location on Google Drive for a variety of likely self-obvious reasons.
If you do happen to find my personal Book of Shadows useful or helpful for yourself in any capacity, please consider contributing in some manner via one of the options listed in the sidebar to the right of the page (if social links on other pages ever break, please always return to the social links on the main page instead, as they will always be kept updated).
- Site Theme: sadgrl layout builder by goblin-heart (significantly modified)
- Header Image: a closeup of a flower (@laprise456) via Unsplash
- Quote Background: a cell phone laying on top of a piece of paper (@sjobjio) via Unsplash
- To learn how to code in CSS + HTML yourself, try out Udacity's Free Intro Course and W3-School