This is my personal Book of Shadows. If you find it useful or helpful in any capacity, please consider buying me a Coffee.
The happiest man is he who learns from nature the lesson of worship.

— Ralph Waldo Emerson

The Bestiary section contains information on natural and elemental connections with the world- as well as more detailed information on the various plants, animals, and stones which can be used in practice. Additionally, there is a section on the natural cycles of time, and its tracking.

This page is currently incomplete. Please use the Table of Contents in the left hand sidebar in order to navigate those articles which do exist at the moment; anything strickenthrough does not have an article in existence yet. If you encounter any errors, please report them to me on Tumblr (if this link ever breaks, please try the social link on the main page instead).

Whoever unrightfully steals or mutilates the contents of this book (site) without fair compensation to- or acknowledgement of- the owners: Let the knowledge gleaned from it slip from their mind like mist. Let it change into a serpent in their hand and rend them. And let them be cut off from the body of the power and held as a thing spiritually accursed until such a time as ammends are made.