This is my personal Book of Shadows. If you find it useful or helpful in any capacity, please consider buying me a Coffee.

5 Tips For A Mindful Nature Walk

1. Minimize Distractions: Leave your phone at home or put it on airplane mode if you want it with you.

2. Walk Slowly: By slowing your pace you are able to notice so much more and be more present. It helps to slow your thoughts down, too.

3. Create Pauses: Find places where you can sit or lean and observe the space around you with your senses noting what you can see, hear, feel, and smell.

4. Notice What You Notice: Let your intuition guide you and see what catches your attention. Get up close to things and get curious.

5. Explore With Your Hands: As you walk, reach out and touch different surfaces. Close your eyes sometimes to tune in deeply to your sense of touch.

Main Sources

  • Instagram user @tansyinthewild