Symbolism exists to adorn and enrich, not to create an artificial sense of profundity.
— Stephen King
— Stephen King
The Base Practice section is about the general basics of religious practice and belief, outside of the general ethical basics. This includes basic conceptions of Deity, basic conceptions of magic and ritual practice, symbolism, tools, and similar topics of discussion.
This page is now complete, as of 10.28.2024. Please use the Table of Contents in the left hand sidebar in order to navigate across articles in this category; anything strickenthrough does not have an article in existence yet. If you encounter any errors, please report them to me on Tumblr (if this link ever breaks, please try the social links on the main page instead).
The first version of this Book of Shadows was in text form in a spiral bound notebook- and unfortunately I wasn't as steadfast as I should have been about keeping my sources available (or writing them down) initially. As a result, there are several pieces for which the original sources are simply lost to me. Most of these lost sources were from blogs (Tumblr, Wordpress, and so on). If you are reading a piece at any point and can reasonably guess the source, I am more than happy to be contacted on Tumblr with a link to said source so that I may verify it's correct and add it where appropriate.