This is my personal Book of Shadows. If you find it useful or helpful in any capacity, please consider buying me a Coffee.

Five Arts of the Rose & Thorn Path

There are five arts of the Rose and Thorn Path that the Rose Witch are expected to eventually master while worshiping the Thorn-Blooded Queen and He of the Deep Green. These are:

Spiritual Herbalism

The ability to connect with and utilize Plant Allies towards spiritual means.


The ability to raise metaphysical power, and direct it to one’s will.


The ability to connect and commune with the Ancestors and Human Dead.


The ability to achieve union with the absolute or other in order to access knowledge otherwise inaccessible.


The ability to fortune tell, future tell, and read signs and omens (etc).

The Rose Witch as Herbalist is foundational to the Rose and Thorn Path, as they who know the uses of the plants whose Spirits they seek communion with. The Rose Witch as Medium can commune with the Dead, who are themselves honored and remembered along the path. The Rose Witch as Seer reads the future through the omens and signs. The Rose Witch as Mystic sees past form into what lies behind it, and understands that material reality is only perception. And the Rose Witch as Magician understands the intimate connection of energy, and how to use it to direct change in accordance to need and will.