This is my personal Book of Shadows. If you find it useful or helpful in any capacity, please consider buying me a Coffee.

Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy

In reference to Matthew 25 and Tobias 12, there are 7 Corporal acts of Mercy we are obligated to give our fellow Human Beings.

  1. To feed the hungry
  2. To give drink to the thirsty
  3. To clothe the naked
  4. To shelter the homeless
  5. To visit the sick
  6. To visit the imprisoned
  7. To bury the dead

Likewise, there are an additional 7 acts of Spiritual Mercy that we are also obligated towards.

  1. To counsel the doubtful
  2. To instruct the ignorant
  3. To admonish the sinner
  4. To comfort the sorrowful
  5. To forgive all injuries
  6. To bear wrongs patiently
  7. To pray for the living and the dead

Main Sources