This is my personal Book of Shadows. If you find it useful or helpful in any capacity, please consider buying me a Coffee.

The Five Layers of the Aura

The Aura is an energetic field which surrounds your body. While not a traditional belief, there are some schools of thought which teach that this field has seven "levels" or "layers" to it, each of which effects a different aspect of one's body and spirituality. These same schools often associate each of these layers to each of the Chakras. I have reduced these to five levels which make more sense.

1. Physical Aura

The Auric layer that represents our physical body and tissue, our passion, and our drive. It’s the layer of your Aura that is sittuated closest to your actual skin and is the easiest to see when training to see Auras.

2. Emotional Aura

This layer of the Aura is the most frequently visible, and is believed to change color the most often, as it matches the emotional state and state of one's mind.

3. Astral Aura

This layer deals with our bonds with others, and our capacity to give and receive love; this is usually less of an actual field, and more a group of tethering cords reaching out into the cosmos to those we have connections to.

4. Etheric Aura

Represents the whole, embodied, truthful self; having a clear Etheric layer aids you in tapping into other’s energy, and connecting with people who are on similar wavelengths.

5. Causal Aura

The Causal Aura harmonizes all the other layers and brings them into singular unity.

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