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Tekufat Tevet

Quarter / Cross-Quarter
Elevation of HaShem

Also known as Yule in the Wiccan Calendar, and Tekufat Tevet in the Jewish one. Occurs on approximately December 21st every year.

Prayers & Adorations

Praise HaShem from the heavens; praise Him on high, all Her Angels and Hosts. Praise Them, Sun and Moon, and all bright stars. Praise It, highest heavens, and the waters above them. Let all praise the name of the Holy One, for it was Them who commanded they be created; She who made them endure forever, establishing an order that shall never change.

Praise HaShem, O you who are on Earth; Praise Her, fire and hail, snow and smoke, and storm wind that executes Their command; Praise It all ocean depths, all mountains and hills, and all fruit trees and cedars; Praise Him, all wild and tamed beasts, creeping things and winged birds. Praise Them, all Kings and Princes, Judges, and peoples of the earth- youths and maidens alike, old and young together. Let all praise the name of the Holy One, for She and His name alone is sublime, and Their splendor covers both Heaven and Earth. Hallelujah.

— Psalm 148, modified

Praise HaShem in Its sanctuary; praise Her in the sky, His stronghold. Praise Them for Its mighty acts; praise Him for Her exceeding greatness. Praise Them with blasts of the horn; praise It with harp and lyre. Praise Her with timbrel and dance; praise Him with lute and pipe. Praise Them with resounding and loud-clashing cymbals ... Let all that breathes praise the Lord our God. Hallelujah.

— Psalm 150, modified