This is my personal Book of Shadows. If you find it useful or helpful in any capacity, please consider buying me a Coffee.


Lesser Holiday
Nine Day's Fast (Nine Days Before Winter's Welcome)

Begins with the beheading of the Unknown King as the Sacrificial God whose blood will renourish the land as the perambulatory Watcher throughout Winter. Next, the washing and readying of the Great Queen as she exchanges the Golden Crown for her Veil, and begins the period of mourning in preparation for her return to the Great Temple Below without her King.

This is celebrated with nine days of ritual prayer and offerings for the health of family and friends, and of crops and livestock (etc), for the coming year, as well as safe passage through Winter. Additionally, fasting is observed for this holiday in a slowly increasing fashion starting on the first day, with more dietary products and / or meals being removed each day until a full fast can be observed on the last three days before the New Moon (Winter's Welcome).