This is my personal Book of Shadows. If you find it useful or helpful in any capacity, please consider buying me a Coffee.

Welcoming Autumn

Core Holiday
Harvest Moon: First New Moon of September.

Celebrates the material and spiritual fulfillment of the Contracts of Faith and Land by the ritualistic paying of the "Rents", wherein portions of the main food harvests are symbolically paid in the form of a loaf of ornate, fresh baked bread blessed in ritual to Our Lady of the Green in her form as The Solar Queen who presides over all, as repayment for her service and generosity throughout the year.


The Sovereignty-and-rents aspects of the Old Irish Lughnasadh (as I interpreted it regionally as an Irish Reconstructionist); Wiccan and Eclectic NeoPagan Mabon; Russian Orthodox tradition of Slava.


  • Large offerings (Non-rents)
  • Wreathbinding: Autumn
  • Homemade Bread