This is my personal Book of Shadows. If you find it useful or helpful in any capacity, please consider buying me a Coffee.

Coven Checklist

1. Does this Coven have rules and traditions that are compatible with my magical style? Consider meeting times, skyclad or specific garb requirements, ritual procedures, tools required, and meal or other expenses.

2. Does this Coven impose rules regarding my personal lifestyle outside the Coven, and if so, how do I feel about that?

3. Do I feel I can grow as a Priest/ess in this Coven? Will the leaders of this Coven guide my study, and do I want them to?

4. Is there opportunity and encouragement for Covenmates to spend quality time together outside of Coven activities in order to bond and become close, so that they may discover their shared power?

5. Do these people seem to genuinely like and support each other, or do they snipe at one another behind each other's backs?

6. Is one-on-one time available with the Coven leaders? Is it required? I recommend at least a quarterly meeting with the High Priest/ess to Discuss one's progress on one's path and in one's Coven.

7. How are the leaders of the Coven regarded? With admiration, respect, disrespect, fear? Do they have an undue amount of power in the group- either too much or too little?

8. Are the leaders consistent? Do the rules apply to all members equally?

9. Is there "permission" to speak freely, to offer opinions on Coven matters or general conversation?

10. Do I genuinely like these people? Do I feel comfortable around them? Does this group make me feel energized and powerful, and welcome? Or, conversely, do I feel drained and frustrated, invalidated and ignored? How do I feel when I leave their company?

11. Are rituals and celebrations closed to certain Coven members and open to others (Inner Circle / Outer circle structure)? How do I feel about that?

12. What about privacy issues? Are the things I say to someone in confidence held in confidence?

13. Does this Coven have a "three times the asking" rule? Have I asked thrice yet?

Main Sources