The 3 Pillars
The world was created in such a way that divinity is ‘concealed' from Humanity due to the fact that it is unknowable to Humanity in its uninified state ... It must therefore be sought out and discovered by us, and understood through the experiences of the mysteries- accessed through ritual attunement with the Left and Right faces of the consubstantially divided Divine (the Lord and the Lady- or Chava and Adam, the First Ancestors).
Every practitioner has an obligation to "lift the layers" of this veil of Divine Concealment not only through seeking out and experiencing these mysteries, but also by upholding the three foundational pillars of faith: Study, Worship, and Good Deeds.
In other words: Learning about the faith, learning the proper ritual actions, applying these rituals to seek the Divine, and applying the faith to life ... From study all else proceeds- but all are integral, for they provide a path through which we align ourselves and guide our experiences not only of the mysteries, but of the world and life itself.