This is my personal Book of Shadows. If you find it useful or helpful in any capacity, please consider buying me a Coffee.

‘Evil’ and the ‘Evil Problem’

Winter, illness, death, and several other facets of life that humans tend not to like are often viewed as "evil". They is not evil, however. They are necessary elements of natural destruction which make way for necessary elements of renewal. We as Humans ultimately tend to resist this cycle, however, causing unecessary pain in the process. It is important, as a Witch, to honor this cycle, and to cultivate serenity and acceptance regarding these natural parts of life.

And yet there does still exist real "evil" in the world which is neither natural, nor ultimately inevitable: That harm which arises from humanity’s own actions, born of greed or malice, or even indifference.

This Human created "evil" is a rip in the fundamental fabric of human empathy and sympathy, which focuses the individual towards selfishness. Ultimately we can only act with such malice, greed, or indifference towards the feelings and needs of others if they no longer matter to us, though. When we are in a state of empathy or sympathy, however, we are aware that our actions, for good or ill, come back to us; that we ultimately cannot harm another without harming ourselves in the process.

Everything is holy- which not just includes matter and physical existence, but begins with it. Disrespect for the earthly is a start of a lack of love.

— C. Winter (also known as @upyrica / @pannazmiya on Tumblr)

To the Witch, the process of self-development and the full realization of one’s Divine potential (called Shadow Work) are both a moral and spiritual duty; the Witch owes it not merely to oneself, but also to the rest of Humankind, and to the world at large, to look inside themself, discover, and release that potential. And this is done for the benefit of the Earth and all their fellow Humans.

Thus the natural and most logical conclusion, then, is that the first true step to ‘solving the evil problem’ is ultimately returning to Humanity's first guide and teacher: The wholehearted openness and awareness of our essential connection to others — Love.

Love is our primary source. But by itself, it is not wholly sufficient to solve the issue of evil. Empathy, sympathy, and compassion — the physical expression of caring about one another — must also be included. So too should humility (a realistic appraisal of your own stage of development, not self-abasement), and a reverence (a sense of wonder) for Humankind and its inherent Divinity.

It behooves each of us, then, to clarify our personal values. And it behooves community groups to work together to clarify their collectively held values. Likewise, it behooves the entire Pagan community to clarify broadly shared values that define our religion as an entire umbrella… Leaving our values as unspoken assumptions can lead to incongruity, as well as to inner and interpersonal conflict.

✾ Integrity means making your walk and your talk consistent with one another; Incongruence wastes psychological energy on rationalization and denial. But as we come to understand our inconsistencies we can resolve them in either direction. And as a person’s self contempt, self presentation, and actual behavior becomes more consistent, their energy becomes available for growth and creativity.

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