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'Ethics' «vs» 'Morality'

Ethics and Morality are two different sides of the same exact system. There are several parts to that system which work in tandem with one another.

⇝ Values: A set of principles or qualities which are intrinsically seen as valuable or desirable, and which affects one’s standards of behavior and judgment of what is important in life.

⇝ Ethics: A guiding philosophy or set of moral principles which govern a person's behavior and actions, which is concerned with one’s moral social duty and obligation, based in concepts of what is good and bad.

⇝ Morality: A particular system of ethics and values concerned with distinctions between right and wrong, and with good and bad social behavior.

However, there are claims that there are significant concrete differences between Morals and Ethics. But ultimately there are very few when you actually get down to it. And what are claimed aren’t actually as steadfastly true as they’re often made out to be. And so when you pare things down, ultimately it comes out to this:

⇸ Ethics is predominantly the application of values to social philosophy- or the systematized study of fundamental questions regarding social obligation and duty, and the issues of right and wrong. Through this is often developed a legalistic system of guiding principles concerning “right and wrong” social behavior.

⇸ Morality is itself the exact same thing, but without the ties to philosophy, and without the legalities which Ethics must often consider, and is often most concerned with. Which makes Morality frequently a socialist and spiritualist system of guiding principles concerning “right and wrong”, covering the foundations often left out by Ethics.

Both, however, can concern the other. And both can concern an individual’s beliefs, or the beliefs as held be an entire group. Likewise, in both cases, one’s values informs both one’s Ethics and one’s Morals- because ultimately they are one and the same. They simply most often inform two different sides and aspects of society and its conception of “right vs wrong” behavior.

Main Sources

  • Personally written