This is my personal Book of Shadows. If you find it useful or helpful in any capacity, please consider buying me a Coffee.

The 3 Minute Rule

When you have a task that you don't want to complete, or you aren’t motivated to start it, just pick a point in the project and simply get started; set yourself a timer and keep going with it for a full 3 minutes. If you still don't want to complete the task after the 3 minutes have elapsed, then stop the task and move on to something else.

This method can be very challenging during the initial stages of trying it, and takes a lot of self discipline. Especially since when you procrastinate, you tend to find something else to do first to dodge the main task at hand. And while we are still being productive in that we typically pick tasks that also needed to be completed anyways, it can’t be ignored that we are still procrastinating the main task that actually needs to be done.

This rule, however, forces you to immediately avoid any deviation from completing the task for 3 solid minutes with the option to stop after those 3 minutes. This not only gets at least some of the work done on the task, but also gives you an out to leave the task later if you still can’t find the motivation. In most cases, though, our lack of motivation is usually more correctly a manifestation of executive dysfunction.

Main Sources

  • Tumblr user @Esmereldastudies, with significant modification- including from proper scientific research elsewhere (sadly originally lost in the first paper draft)