This is my personal Book of Shadows. If you find it useful or helpful in any capacity, please consider buying me a Coffee.

Essential Self Skills

Emotional Intelligence

The ability to understand emotions (both yours and others) with empathy and how they impact behaviour. Without it you are liable to be defensive, self-centred, and experience a feeling of disconnection from yourself and others.


How well you react to or recover from something that happens to you- especially when it's bad or undesireable. Do you fall apart, or can you navigate those challenges without setting yourself back?

Critical Thinking

The ability to slow down and approach ideas, discussions, claims, beliefs, and so on with rational intelligence, logical principles, and careful reasoning- especially against rigorous evidence.


The ability to remain flexible to the various circumstances of life and sittuation; cultivating the ability to deal with change.

Self Discipline

Doing what you need to do regardless of whether you 'feel like it' for the sake of your own needs or development; remember that you can cultivate healthy discipline with gentle nurture that builds confidence over time, rather than toxic discipline that uses shame, fear, and punishment.

Self Worth

Cultivating confidence in yourself and your abilities, and the foundational idea that you are worthy of a good life; without self worth, we tend to start with grandiose ideas of change, but these endeavors often result in broken promises, difficulty sticking to goals, and a spiralling shame cycle.

Main Sources

  • Tumblr user @thesophistiicate, with modification from dictionary sources