This is my personal Book of Shadows. If you find it useful or helpful in any capacity, please consider buying me a Coffee.

Reconnecting After Absence

There will always come a time when you feel less magical or less spiritual. These fallow periods are normal, whether they last a month, a week, or years. But there are steps one can take to help themselves reconnect after (or even during) such fallow times.

1. Do Nothing

Sometimes we try to do everything in an attempt to reconnect, and the result is feeling worse when it doesn’t work- or burning ourselves out altogether. Sometimes the purpose of a fallow time is to rest and heal.

2. Go Back to the Basics

Sometimes we think learning something new will inspire the old spark we once carried, but sometimes what it really takes is revisiting the old material; start at the basics, even if you were already well into advanced material, and act like a beginner again. This reminds us of why we fell in love in the first place, while allowing us to refresh knowledge and skills that we may have neglected, or even forgotten entirely. If anything winds up changing in your Craft, don’t compare what you wind up doing to your old practice, however- especially since Crafts are constantly naturally shifting over time anyways.

3. Talk About It

Sharing and opening up about such a common spiritual and magical experience allows you to know that you’re not alone in that experience after all. This allows you to not only get much needed emotional support from your community- but also ideas and resources for tackling, and potentially reversing, the problem.

4. Work With Allies

If connecting with people isn’t your thing, try connecting with your Spirit Allies again instead. Sometimes fallow periods come because we’re blockin important spiritual growth, messages, or processes. Our Spirit Allies are core components and guides for us in bypassing them.

5. Relax Into the Elements

Moongaze and Sunbathe once a week. Observe the moon phases. Open the windows and curtains often. Light candles. Relax in the bath or shower. Appreciate the flowers, and the birdsong. Meditate regularly; relaxing back into the elements and reconnecting with the earth can sometimes remind us of where our power comes from, and re-open our spiritual and magical center.

Feeling as if you’ve lost your faith, magic, and / or spirituality in general is never easy. But as the cliche phrase goes: “This too shall pass”. In the meantime remember to be kind to yourself- and that a little prayer never hurt.

Main Sources

  • A combination of Tumblr posts, sources unfortunately lost in the first paper draft
  • Minor additions from a post by Tumblr user @heatherwitch now lost