This is my personal Book of Shadows. If you find it useful or helpful in any capacity, please consider buying me a Coffee.

Self Studying More Effectively

1. Establish Your Purpose

Why are you studying this topic? This will determine a number of things about how you approach both the topic that you’re studying, as well as your study schedule (should you need to make yourself one).

2. Establish Your Goals

What is the largest thing you want to accomplish by studying the topic in question? What is your main end goal? This will determine your information focus and overall timetable for study. Go for SMART objectives. These are objectives which are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Timed. It’s amazing how often even governments and corporations, as well as individuals, pursue ends that do not meet these basic requirements.

3. Collect Your Resources

Start by selecting an appropriate comprehensive text using #1 and #2 as guides, plus as many supplemental resources as you desire- focusing on quality and relevancy to your purpose.

4. Set Up A Course Framework

Cross-reference your selected resources to determine covered topics and what weight each topic is given. Adjust the table of contents in your comprehensive text to reflect this- changing, moving, and adding topics as needed in order to create a more accurate syllabus for your study needs.

5. Break Topics Into Smaller Goals

Breaking each category into smaller task sets helps you to better monitor your progress and track your subject mastery.

6. Scheduling, Monitoring, and Accountability

Create a study schedule that fits your needs if desired. At minimum, set up a system for tracking your progress which motivates you to continue studying; consider enlisting an accountability partner to keep you on track if needed.

7. Create A ‘Knowledge Database’

Digital or physical, keep all of your notes, study resources, thoughts, and all other materials (etc), in one easy to use, non-stressful location. Keep these organized using a single method that works for you and makes note taking fun. Push it further by personalizing your database as much as you’d like; the point is to create a repository that actively increases your joy for studying, making it more likely for you to continue.

8. Consistency Is Key

Abiding by your schedule, using the syllabus you’ve outlined for yourself, and pushing through frustration and anger when things seem difficult are key to actually studying- while making it fun through the development and personalization of your database helps relieve the stress and pressure. But nothing beats consistency; the more you stick with it and continue studying overall, the easier it gets in general.

Main Sources

  • Condensed amalgamation of various Youtube Videos; full credit lost during first paper draft, sadly