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Anointing and Anointing Oils

Many of the same ingredients that are common to incense, are also common to anointing oils. It is right, then, that if incense is an integral aspect of ritual, then anointing oils are also important aspects of any magical ritual as well- though they may not be used nearly as often as incense, let alone to the same purposes.

Anointing Oils are made to smell so beautiful because they are a necessary symbolism first of ‘elevation’; it is one of the most important magical and religious concepts, that virtue of holiness, a Divine power were impregnated within the oils, and therefore it must follow that anointing is not only a privilege, but a responsibility not to be taken lightly.

It is not simply a matter of placing a few dabs of oil here and there, and simply leaving it at that. It is a major part of any ceremony involving the installation, elevation, or consecration of an authority of power: Kings and Queens, High Priests and members of the Church, and so on. These people, so ordained, were held to hold spiritual and temporal power within the body consecrated to God as any Temple or Church would be, by Rite of Dedication- for the body is, after all, ‘The Temple of the Soul’.

In this regard, they are typically used to anoint thirteen points in proper order:

  1. Soles of the feet
  2. Bends of the knees
  3. Genitals
  4. Base of the spine
  5. Stomach, above the Belly Button
  6. Wrists
  7. Bends of the Elbows
  8. The Breasts
  9. Over the Heart
  10. Throat, or under the Chin
  11. Lips
  12. Forehead, or Third Eye
  13. Crown of the Head

It is important, then, that anointing oils in particular never be prepared from crude ingredients. This may seem an obvious statement, but it must be stressed that they should be prepared from the finest ingredients you can afford. Especially since all that you should get otherwise is an underperforming sludge.

Likewise, once completed and filtered, anointing oils should be stored in real crystal phial if possible- and if it has a silver stopper, so much the better. At the very least, they should be stored in true glass- but never in plastic under any circumstances as it will spoil the oil. Crystal is the thing to aim for, however, if possible.