This is my personal Book of Shadows. If you find it useful or helpful in any capacity, please consider buying me a Coffee.

Bodily Cleansing, Purification, & Blessing Prayers


Blessed Adonai, who commands us in the washing of the hands to sanctify our Earthly vessels … May this water cleanse and support my energy, and replace all dirt and dust with holy purity.

Personally written or adapted

Cleansing of the Vessel

Adonai, most Merciful and Forgiving … May my feet be cleansed so that they take me wherever I am most needed; may my hands be cleansed so they may create beauty in your world; may my heart be cleansed so that I may understand and follow your guidance; may my mouth be cleansed so that I speak words of kindness and wisdom; may my eyes be cleansed so I may see the majesty you have embedded within the world … May I be cleansed, and restored.

Instagram user @emanueldagher

Blessing of the Vessel #1

Blessed are you, Adonai, Divine Foundation of the Universe who formed the body with wisdom and created within it a myriad of channels and pathways. It is known that if any of them were breached or blocked, we would not be able to rise to meet you; Blessed are you, Eternal Healer and Maker of such complex wonders.

Blessing of the Vessel #2

Blessed is the Holy One who formed the body and its many channels and processes with wisdom. My body is ever balancing and ever loving. Every moment it supports my life in this world with many processes of intake and moving through; of exertion and recovery.

Adonai, let me trust this body. Let it inform my mind well. Let it be known that I am here; present, becoming, and taking in all things. For blessed are you, the Holy One, healing all flesh and doing wonders.

Instagram user @the-jewess-dept-of-magic

Blessing of the Vessel #3

I praise my existence before the Great Divine; the Power; Sovereign of the Universe who formed the first body with many channels and flows. As I behold myself it is known that if I cease caring for my body, or if I block my breath and authentic movement, it would be impossible to rise before the wonder of existence.

Adonai, I praise this body which is doing wonders. And I seek balance and healing in its existence.

Instagram user @the-jewess-dept-of-magic

Blessing of the Vessel #4

Adonai, Creator of All, I thank you for this body and vessel. With this water I purify my mind, and heart, and offer myself up to your work; I purify my eyes so that my vision may be opened; I purify my ears so that I may listen with compassion; I purify my mouth so that my words may come forth clearly; and I purify my palms so they may carry out good deeds in your name.

Instagram user @allmatersofspirit

Body Blessing

Blessed Adonai, you who formed the first body with many channels and flows ... As I behold myself, I praise my existence before you; it is known that if I cease caring for my body- or if I block my breath and authentic movement, it would be impossible to rise before the wonder of existence. I praise this body and its wonders, Adonai ... I am here, and present, taking in all things. For blessed are you, the Holy One who heals all flesh and performs such complex wonders.

Personally written or adapted