This is my personal Book of Shadows. If you find it useful or helpful in any capacity, please consider buying me a Coffee.

For the Dead

Ancestral Adoration

Be blessed, oh Spirits above and Spirits below. Be blessed, oh you my Dead, both known and unknown; you my beloved, be blessed! You from the other side, by lights, my hope, my eternities in birdsong, be blessed!

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Arise, Mothers!

Rise up for me, O Mothers! It is I, your Rosy-Armed Daughter.

I have come to you, just as God might come to your side. I have come into your presence, just as God might come. I have come to you to cleanse you and make you pure; To gather up your bones and bring you life, And rejoin to that memory which has been severed. May you awake in peace.

I will sing of your lovely faces ever smiling, I will sing of the anointing oil ever dripping from your braids. I will sing of your Divine honors, O Gold-Enthroned Mothers; You who dwell below, in the Temple of the earth. Many-named are you revered ones- the ancestors of our fathers. The world is born of you.

Personally adapted from a combination of Pyramid Text 270, Pyramid Text 606 ('Hymns, Prayers, and Songs: An Anthology of Ancient Egyptian Lyric Poetry'), the Homeric Hymn to Cyprian Aphrodite, Homeric Hymn to Hestia, and Homeric Hymn to Hera ('The Homeric Hymns: A Translation, with Introduction and Notes'), and the Orphic Hymn to The Mother of the Gods, and Orphic Hymn to the Titans ('The Orphic Hymns')

Adoration of the Mothers

Blessed are you, Oh Mothers of my lineage. For you have died that I might live. I will sing of your lovely faces, and the anointing oil dripping from your braids. I will sing of your Divine honors, Oh Gold-Enthroned Mothers; you who dwell below, in the Temple of the Earth. Much revered are your many names, for the world is born through you.

A shortened / simplified modification of the above, personally written.