This is my personal Book of Shadows. If you find it useful or helpful in any capacity, please consider buying me a Coffee.

Index of Psalms

Psalm 1success, prosperity, good beginning, overcoming obstacles, business success, court cases, new ventures
Psalm 2victory over enemies, breaking opposition, overcoming challenges, domination, control works
Psalm 3protection during sleep, against nightmares, spiritual enemies, morning prayer, protection from evil spirits, restful sleep
Psalm 4peace, rest, protection at night, against insomnia, quiet enemies, calming environments
Psalm 5favor with authority, morning prayer, protection from deceivers, court cases, legal matters
Psalm 6healing, mercy, relief from suffering, forgiveness, physical ailments, sickness healing
Psalm 7justice against false accusations, vindication, protection from enemies, revealing truth, court cases
Psalm 8divine favor, success, recognition of talents, praise, honor, respect from others
Psalm 9victory over enemies, protection, justice, thanksgiving, uncovering plots, defeating rivals
Psalm 10justice against oppressors, protection for the vulnerable, against injustice, punishing enemies, revealing hidden enemies
Psalm 11strength, courage, standing firm, faith during trials, protection from negative magic, spiritual warfare
Psalm 12protection from lies, deceit, slander, preserving truth, silencing gossip, stopping rumors
Psalm 13relief from depression, despair, long-term problems, patience, spiritual healing, emotional recovery
Psalm 14discernment of character, protection from foolish people, wisdom, seeing through deception, unmasking fools
Psalm 15integrity, ethical living, moral strength, gaining respect, spiritual purity, righteous character
Psalm 16joy, protection, guidance, contentment, securing inheritance, property protection, land disputes
Psalm 17protection from false accusations, justice, clarity of vision, court cases, legal protection
Psalm 18victory, strength, overcoming great obstacles, divine power, protection from persecution, physical strength
Psalm 19wisdom, understanding nature, revelation, purification, spiritual knowledge, divine law
Psalm 20success in ventures, victory, divine support, wishes granted, business success, achievement
Psalm 21success, prosperity, authority, leadership, victory, honor from superiors, promotion
Psalm 22deliverance from extreme distress, abandonment, healing, restoration, spiritual crisis, feeling forsaken
Psalm 23comfort, protection, provision, guidance, peace, against fear, general protection, abundant life
Psalm 24purification, access to sacred spaces, spiritual ascension, worthiness, cleansing, ritual preparation
Psalm 25guidance, forgiveness, deliverance from troubles, learning, spiritual direction, life path
Psalm 26vindication, proving innocence, integrity, purification, court cases, wash hands ritual
Psalm 27courage, protection, spiritual vision, faith, against fear, victory over enemies, light in darkness
Psalm 28being heard, answered prayers, strength, protection, communication with spirits, divine attention
Psalm 29recognizing divine power, strength, peace, commanding natural forces, storm protection, weather magic
Psalm 30healing, joy after sorrow, thanksgiving, restoration, recovery from illness, mourning to dancing
Psalm 31trust, deliverance from danger, protection, restoration, general protection, refuge
Psalm 32forgiveness, relief from guilt, confession, healing, spiritual cleansing, removing burdens
Psalm 33praise, divine protection, hope, joy, creative power, fertility, agricultural success
Psalm 34protection, deliverance from fear, provision, angelic assistance, financial blessings, daily bread
Psalm 35legal victory, protection from enemies, justice, vindication, court cases, mirror magic, reversing hexes
Psalm 36protection from wicked, abundance, divine light, fountain of life, spiritual insight, protection from proud
Psalm 37patience, inheritance, protection from envy, land disputes, property matters, long-term success
Psalm 38healing from serious illness, forgiveness, relief from guilt, physical healing, mercy
Psalm 39mindful speech, awareness of mortality, wise use of time, self-control, restraint from sin
Psalm 40patience in waiting, deliverance, thanksgiving, spiritual renewal, new beginning
Psalm 41healing, blessing for caring for others, protection from betrayal, recovery from illness
Psalm 42spiritual thirst, hope in depression, reconnection with divine, emotional healing
Psalm 43justice, light in darkness, hope, emotional healing, spiritual guidance
Psalm 44national restoration, victory in conflict, remembrance of past victories, group protection
Psalm 45love, marriage, beauty, royal favor, relationships, attraction
Psalm 46peace in chaos, strength, protection during upheaval, refuge, calming fears
Psalm 47celebration, victory, praise, spiritual elevation, divine sovereignty
Psalm 48community protection, pride in heritage, city defense, territorial protection
Psalm 49wisdom about wealth, protection from materialism, proper perspective, financial wisdom
Psalm 50proper worship, spiritual authenticity, divine judgment, covenant awareness
Psalm 51cleansing, forgiveness, purification, restoration, spiritual renewal, removing sins
Psalm 52against boastful enemies, divine justice, flourishing despite opposition, protection from slander
Psalm 53exposing corruption, divine intervention, restoration, protection from foolishness
Psalm 54divine help, protection from betrayal, quick assistance, victory over enemies
Psalm 55relief from betrayal, emotional healing, escape from trouble, against former friends
Psalm 56trust in fear, victory over persecution, courage, protection from pursuit
Psalm 57protection from danger, courage, praise after deliverance, shelter from storms
Psalm 58justice against wicked authority, retribution, breaking unjust power, hex breaking
Psalm 59protection from attackers, deliverance from enemies, watchful protection, safety
Psalm 60restoration after defeat, national healing, victory after loss, rebuilding
Psalm 61shelter, refuge, divine protection, leadership blessing, long life
Psalm 62patience, trust, protection, emotional stability, inner peace, steadfastness
Psalm 63spiritual thirst, satisfaction in divine, protection, defeat of enemies, seeking
Psalm 64protection from conspiracies, plots, exposure of secret enemies, reversal
Psalm 65abundance, agricultural blessing, forgiveness, praise, rainfall, fertility
Psalm 66testimony, thanksgiving, answered prayer, testing and deliverance, vows
Psalm 67blessing, favor, harvest abundance, international recognition, prosperity
Psalm 68victory, protection for vulnerable, strength, scattering enemies, triumphant procession
Psalm 69rescue from overwhelming trouble, vindication, justice against persecutors, help in crisis
Psalm 70quick help, urgent protection, shaming enemies, swift divine response
Psalm 71protection in old age, lifelong protection, testimony, continued strength, against abandonment
Psalm 72blessing rulers, justice, prosperity, leadership, authority, righteous governance
Psalm 73perspective on prosperity of wicked, spiritual understanding, divine counsel, ultimate justice
Psalm 74restoration after destruction, protection of sacred places, remembrance of divine power
Psalm 75divine judgment, humbling the proud, raising the humble, timing of justice
Psalm 76victory in spiritual warfare, breaking weapons, divine judgment, humbling enemies
Psalm 77comfort in distress, remembrance of divine acts, historical perspective, hope
Psalm 78teaching wisdom, historical lessons, warning against rebellion, faithful leadership
Psalm 79restoration after destruction, vengeance against enemies, cleansing from dishonor
Psalm 80restoration, revival, divine presence, renewal of covenant, return to favor
Psalm 81celebration, warning against disobedience, prosperity, divine guidance, ritual feasts
Psalm 82justice for oppressed, divine judgment on unjust leaders, social justice, equality
Psalm 83protection from conspiracies, exposure of enemies, victory over combined opposition
Psalm 84pilgrimage blessing, joy in sacred spaces, spiritual journey, divine presence
Psalm 85restoration of favor, forgiveness, renewal, prosperity, peace, revival
Psalm 86divine teaching, protection, mercy, strength in crisis, guidance, answered prayer
Psalm 87community blessing, citizenship, belonging, pride in heritage, cultural identity
Psalm 88expression of deep sorrow, comfort in darkness, prayer in abandonment, depression
Psalm 89covenant faithfulness, divine promises, remembrance of blessing, ancestral covenant
Psalm 90wisdom about time, shelter, mortality awareness, establishment of work, protection
Psalm 91complete protection, safety from all harm, plague protection, spiritual warfare, against witchcraft, general protection, angelic assistance
Psalm 92sabbath blessing, joy in divine works, flourishing in old age, victory over enemies
Psalm 93recognition of divine authority, stability, protection from chaos, floods, mighty waters
Psalm 94vengeance, justice against oppressors, divine judgment, comfort in suffering
Psalm 95worship, warning against hardheartedness, reverence, joy in creator
Psalm 96new song, universal praise, proclamation to nations, divine judgment, joy
Psalm 97divine kingship, joy for righteous, light in darkness, hatred of evil
Psalm 98victory celebration, universal praise, joy in divine judgment, salvation
Psalm 99reverence, holiness, divine response to prayer, worship, awe
Psalm 100joyful worship, thanksgiving, recognition of divine authority, entering sacred space
Psalm 101household management, leadership integrity, separation from evil, ethical conduct
Psalm 102prayer in affliction, divine permanence, restoration of Zion, eternal perspective
Psalm 103blessing, forgiveness, healing, renewal, divine benefits, mercy, compassion
Psalm 104praise for creation, provision, natural world blessing, creative power, fertility
Psalm 105remembrance of divine works, covenant faithfulness, national history, protection
Psalm 106confession, remembrance of rebellion, divine patience, mercy despite sin
Psalm 107thanksgiving for deliverance, guidance in trouble, healing, protection in journeys
Psalm 108victory in battle, divine help, territorial claims, confidence in conflict
Psalm 109cursing enemies, vengeance, retribution, justice against persecutors, malediction
Psalm 110authority, victory over enemies, priestly power, divine right, dominion
Psalm 111wisdom, fear of divine, understanding commandments, remembrance of works
Psalm 112prosperity, generosity, stability, righteousness, business success, wealth
Psalm 113praise, divine care for lowly, fertility, barrenness cure, elevation of poor
Psalm 114divine power over nature, miraculous intervention, exodus remembrance, power
Psalm 115true worship, protection from idolatry, blessing, increase, life extension
Psalm 116thanksgiving for deliverance from death, healing, vow fulfillment, gratitude
Psalm 117universal praise, divine faithfulness, truth, international blessing
Psalm 118victory celebration, divine help in distress, cornerstone recognition, festivity
Psalm 119love of divine law, guidance, wisdom, instruction, purification, enlightenment, youth protection
Psalm 120deliverance from deceit, peace from conflict, protection in foreign lands
Psalm 121protection in travel, divine watchcare, day and night safety, journey blessing
Psalm 122peace for home, civic harmony, joy in sacred gathering, community blessing
Psalm 123relief from contempt, divine mercy, patience in suffering, service blessing
Psalm 124escape from danger, gratitude for deliverance, protection from overwhelming forces
Psalm 125stability, protection of righteous, peace, separation from evildoers
Psalm 126joy after sorrow, restoration, harvest blessing, return from captivity
Psalm 127home blessing, fertility, family protection, labor blessing, children as blessing
Psalm 128family blessing, prosperity, longevity, marital happiness, childbearing
Psalm 129victory over persistent enemies, endurance, breaking oppression, curbing attackers
Psalm 130forgiveness, redemption, hope in darkness, patience in waiting, spiritual renewal
Psalm 131humility, contentment, childlike trust, quieted soul, inner peace
Psalm 132covenant remembrance, divine dwelling, anointed leadership, perpetual light
Psalm 133unity, harmony, brotherhood, community blessing, peaceful relationships
Psalm 134night blessing, watchmen protection, sacred service, sanctuary blessing
Psalm 135praise, recognition of divine power, servant blessing, idol rejection
Psalm 136thanksgiving, remembrance of divine acts, enduring mercy, creation blessing
Psalm 137remembrance of homeland, vengeance against destroyers, fidelity to heritage
Psalm 138thanksgiving, divine faithfulness, strengthening the lowly, protection
Psalm 139divine omniscience, protection from conception, self-examination, guidance
Psalm 140protection from violent enemies, divine justice, safety from traps, integrity
Psalm 141protection from temptation, right speech, discipline, protection from evil
Psalm 142refuge in extreme distress, divine provision, prison/confinement relief, isolation
Psalm 143guidance, deliverance from enemies, divine instruction, renewal
Psalm 144training for spiritual warfare, prosperity, family blessing, national security
Psalm 145divine greatness, everyday provision, generational blessing, healing, support
Psalm 146divine help for vulnerable, warning against human trust, justice, healing
Psalm 147healing brokenness, divine knowledge, seasonal blessing, national strength
Psalm 148universal praise, cosmic harmony, weather control, youth empowerment
Psalm 149victory celebration, divine vengeance, joy in worship, execution of judgment
Psalm 150complete praise, musical celebration, worship with instruments, breath praise

Main Sources

  • Tumblr user @jbird-the-manwich; open access here