This is my personal Book of Shadows. If you find it useful or helpful in any capacity, please consider buying me a Coffee.

Traditional Natural Prayers and Blessings for Nature in Judaism

Natural Wonders (Mountains, Deserts, etc)

Praise be to you, Adonai, Eternal Creator and Sovereign of the Universe, who made such great works of beauty.

Natural Phenomena (Lightning, Shooting Stars, Volcanoes, etc)

Praise be to you, Adonai, Source of all Creation, whose power and might fills the world.

Beautiful Wonders (Trees, people, etc)

Praise be to you, Adonai, Sovereign source of Creation, that such beauty exists within your world.

Interesting Wonders (Animals, People, etc)

Praise be to you, Adonai, Sovereign of the Universe, who has thought to make all creatures different.

The Warmth of the Sun

Praise to You, Adonai our God, Sovereign of the universe, who created the warmth of the sun.

Tumblr User @self-mythologist (unconfirmed)


Praise be to you, Adonai, Ruler of the Cosmos and Source of all Creation, who does good and brings good.


Praise be to you, Adonai, Sovereign of the Universe, who remembers, is faithful to, and fulfils your promises to Humanity.

Flowers and Herbs

Praise be to you, Adonai, Blessed Creator, who thought to create all the varieties of fragrant flowers and herbs.

Blossoming Trees

Praise be to you, Adonai, Source of all Creation, who has left nothing beautiful out of your world.

Sea (or Lake)

Praise be to you, Adonai, Sovereign of the Universe, who deserves our praise for creating such great waters.