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Crystals and Knot Magic

Knotting a crystal net’s easy if you’re able to use your fingers; they’re often called crystal wraps and there are many ways to make a crystal net, or crystal wrap, and tutorials can easily be found on Youtube. The style you use determines the final appearance. But more importantly for us, the style you use determines how many knots there will be, and their size.

We can draw on four common elements of magic for these crafts: Crystal correspondences, color correspondences, numerology, and knot magic all.

The stone (or other object) is like the battery which holds and radiates power. The object you net should correspond to your core intent.

The color of cord or thread you use can modify or hone your intent. For example, if using clear quartz, the color correspondence might be doing most of the work.

Crystal nets are made by tying two strands of cord together so the total number of cords you use dictates how many knots total will exist in your spell; if you use four cords, you will have eight working ends, and therefore you will tie four knots per row. If you have five cords, you will have ten working ends, and you will need to tie five knots per row. Align your numerology to the number of knots, not strands, because the knots themselves are what holds the magic.

The knots are also used to tie intent and bind power. Most are created in a style that has one big starter knot at the top, and one big finishing knot at the bottom. This first knot can hold the only intent, while the rest of the knots bind powers to support it. Or the intent can be split into its composite parts and each part gets its own knot. Or every single knot can have something unique, or they can all be identical. There are a lot of options. Just do whatever suits you.

Conceptually, though, the inner object is the focal point or battery of the spell. The knots can therefore be understood as tools that the object uses to carry out your will, instructions to guide the object in its work, vessels that carry additional power (like tidepools on a beach), or tangles that capture and bind up unwanted forces.

Regardless of how it is done, ensure the amulet is charged afterwards. And like all amulets and talismans, it requires feeding and repowering as time goes on.

Main Sources

  • Tumblr user @shroudofroses