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Hag Torches

I had a small 1 quart crock pot with my waxes, oils and botanicals pre-blended in there, melted and hot. I did a little google searching and found that the nearest to what I use can be obtained as "Mini Dipper Crock Pot". They're smaller than I thought (a little more than half a quart), have a removable ceramic liner, no temp control (but hit just about the right zone for waxes). They're reasonably priced for what they are and usually come in a two pack.

The important part is really to maintain the temperature low but constant under your melted beeswax pot.I'd wager the ceramic liner from that would hang on to enough heat to keep the wax molten for a good working time at the altar as well... You could also do this with a cauldron, or any other heat proof container over a heat source, but what is a crock pot if not a cauldron bearing the subtle fire of the gods?

When you’re ready and your wax is melted, hook a loop of wire through the “butt” of the stalk and put it “tip down” into the pot. Using a ladle, gently pour the wax over the mullein, turning it slowly like a rotisserie chicken; any fallen drops should catch in the pot below to melt there again.

For the first round spoon the hot wax on rapidly (though gently) to really soak it in. Then switch to more slowly and intentionally pouring on the wax in order to allow it to build a little bit up in layers; as the wax hardens, make sure the surface is covered entirely from all angles.

Progress your way through the entire length of your torch- minding your fingers the entire way. Repeat until your torch is thoroughly covered then lay it down on (or hang it above) parchment paper to dry off completely.

My stalks were smallish, but it took no time at all to do all of them with that method.

Main Sources

Combined responses made by Tumblr users @rootandrock and @hillsarehollow (previously @therainshallmakeadoor) to fellow Tumblr user @graveyarddirt / @msgraveyarddirt, regarding their request for help in making Hag Torches