This is my personal Book of Shadows. If you find it useful or helpful in any capacity, please consider buying me a Coffee.

Creating A Black Mirror

First, find a good mirror. Ideally it should be of thirteen to thirty inches in diameter and encased in a similarly round frame, painted black. You should make do with whatever you can reasonably find, however- especially if a particular mirror happens to call to you for this purpose, even if it doesn’t meet any of the ideal specifications.

Purchase the mirror without haggling over the price. After doing so, bring it home and wash the face carefully with a simple of mugwort.

To make a mugwort simple, steep one tablespoon mugwort in three cups of hot water for thirteen minutes; strain and cool before using.

When the mirror has dried, cover its face with a black cloth and lay where it will not be touched until the Full Moon. On that night, expose the mirror to the rays of the Moon, preferably outside, but through a window if necessary.

Charge the ritual mirror by describing circles over it with your hands, palms down, the right hand moving clockwise and the left counterclockwise, and saying:

Lady of the Moon, who sees all things and knows all knowledge, I consecrate this mirror in your name, that it might aid me in my magic.

Now, hang the black mirror on an east-facing wall, and keep it covered at all times when not in use; never use your mirror for anything other than magic. Have a sepa­rate mirror to use for everyday things such as combing or brushing hair, and so on.

Expose the mirror to the rays of the Full Moon at least three times a year. When it gets dusty (if it should) wash it again with a fresh batch of mugwort simple. If you wish at these times, you may also use something such as a psychic oil to draw the symbol of the Moon on its back for additional power.