This is my personal Book of Shadows. If you find it useful or helpful in any capacity, please consider buying me a Coffee.

Laying On the Hands of Blessed Healing

Ours is a charm for curing power, called by the Wise "the Laying on of Hands". In imaginal vision, let the Great Spirit Tree come forth in slendour, spanning the heights and depths of Eden's compass; its mass of branches encompassing the starry gulf, its roots grasping the great below. Then let the Herbarius behold himself bound up in its trunk- the heart of the Tree's energetic traffic.

As one beholds this vison, one sees the Solar Disk above the tree, radiating golden light and heat. All bounty and illumination is beheld as entering the tree's leaves, branches, trunk, crown, and root, as well as the Body of the Herbarius. Slowly the tree shall change color until it is wholly golden. As this occurs, call in repetition upon the angel of the tree with its name. Let the entirety of the vision be eclipsed by golden radiance until there is no distingushing form or feature remaining.

When a corresponding light and fire comes to abide in the hands, let them be placed upon those in need of healing, and bequest the Medicine of Light.

Main Sources