This is my personal Book of Shadows. If you find it useful or helpful in any capacity, please consider buying me a Coffee.

Basic Plant Spirit Communion Ceremony

Having set up the Altar as normal according to the tradition, add the following:

  • White Candle (Left of Pentacle)
  • Incenser (Right of Pentacle)
  • Small Bowl (Center, in front of Pentacle)
  • Specimen of Plant (Center, on Pentacle)
  • Journal and Pen (To the Side, Off Altar)
  • A large offering of Water

Then, after having Raised the Temple, sit before the Altar in a comfortable position. Make the first offering of Water, then, into the bowl you have set on the Altar. Place a small portion of the plant specimen in the water, then hold the rest in both hands, palms up. Raise your hands above your head, and bow your head, saying:

Spirit of [Plant Name], I come with respect and gratitude to call upon your wisdom and your presence. Open my heart and mind that I may hear your teachings and honor your gifts.

Return the plant specimen to the Pentacle on the Altar. Next light the white candle while saying:

I light this flame in honor of your spirit, to clear the way for communication and to bring your wisdom into my life.

Dip two fingers into the water you poured into the bowl, and then sprinkle the water onto both the Altar and yourself while saying:

Water clear the channel between us; let [Plant Name]'s spirit flow freely, that I may hear and understand their wisdom.

Return your arms back to the neutral position, and continue:

I am ready to listen and receive your guidance.

Place your hands in your lap in a way which is comfortable. Begin to use whichever breathing technique is preferable for you, until you reach a meditative state; open yourself to the wisdom of the plant you are attempting to commune with, and its qualities and messages. You may even hold the specimen as you meditate, if you wish, and allow it to speak to you energetically through the process.

Maintain this state as long as you feel necessary. When you feel ready, slowly return yourself to awareness, and ground your energy. Then journal your revelations.

Before closing the ritual, give thanks to the plant and make the final offering of water, saying:

I honor you, [Plant Name]. I offer this gift in gratitude for the clarity and wisdom you have shared with me. May your spirit continue to grow and thrive, and may I walk forward, guided by your spirit.

Raze the Temple in the traditional manner.