This is my personal Book of Shadows. If you find it useful or helpful in any capacity, please consider buying me a Coffee.


If you need free versions of any books listed in the Library, do not hesitate to contact me on Tumblr and request a digital copy. I have sharable copies of the vast majority of the books listed, and am happy to share them with anyone who requests them. If you're American, however, I do strongly and highly suggest seeing if your local Library can get a copy for you through the Inter Library Loan system first, in order to support our national Library network. Especially as it comes under threat from the incoming 2025 political administration. The majority of these links will take you to the WorldCat database (when possible) for that reason.

Wiccan, NeoWiccan, & Eclectic NeoPagan


Poison Path


Land Spirits & Connection

Encyclopedias & Reference

Incense & Oils