This is my personal Book of Shadows. If you find it useful or helpful in any capacity, please consider buying me a Coffee.

Sovereignty and ‘the Kingdom’

Sovereignty is the foundation of a magical and spiritual life, as it is understood in its purest sense as the supreme freedom from the illusion of being something you’re not. This freedom bestows upon the Individual the ultimate authority and the full right and power to rule over oneself and one’s conditions. Thus the Sovereign is anointed, and the innermost Self granted autonomy and the ultimate spiritual authority in the Sovereign’s life. This can be best understood by the triurnal Kingdom model.

The Crown represents Self Knowledge- or the centralized psyche, and true self actualized and connected to.

The Throne represents evolving ability and potential- or the mastery and accomplishment of self over environment, and the formulation of the seat of self power.

Finally, the Kingdom represents actualized experience: The individual experience of life, rooted in the body of the self as an active being.

To this end, the Sovereign Individual ultimately becomes the source of their own spiritual law: The Law of True Will that emerges from the heart. Sovereignty is then defined as the absolute, supreme, and unlimited power within one’s realm. Its Crown itself emerges from the still waters of meditation and introspection, which reveals the true constitution of the Individual, and their essential Divinity within.

This law, True Will, which the Sovereign Individual serves, is also the purpose for which the Individual exists. And the Sovereign’s existence has a divine purpose embodied within this calling of their True Will- and to that purpose alone their powers as Sovereign are both directed, and limited.

However, the Sovereign cannot serve two wills at once; Sovereignty is indivisible. Its nature is unity and wholeness. Doubt, produced by the attempt to serve two wills at once, attempts to divide the crown which cannot be divided into parts.

It’s the task of the Sovereign Individual, then, to ‘become the Sun of their own solar system’. To do this, they must be able to maintain their freedom; they must not permit themselves to be pulled off course by the ‘will’ or gravity of some other object. They must be able to proceed along their own course without wobbling.

It is the person who loses contact with their True Will who’s in danger of getting caught in the gravitational orbit of some other, more forceful presence. Whatever lacks its own gravitational center will naturally seek that stability outside itself, thus becoming an orbiter, and a follower of a gravitational law not its own. Without the stabilizing guidance of True Will, we are constantly in danger of being mastered by the strong will of another, of submitting to an external force whose center of gravity exceeds that of our own.

Thus to be a Sovereign is to know one’s True Will- and to know one’s True Will is to have a purpose. This purpose is the source of the Sovereign’s power. The Sovereign who possesses powers also possesses duties inherent in purpose, and the Sovereign must hold fast to that duty.