Blessing The Head
The head is the seat of spiritual consciousness: The Soul, or Spirit. It represents a Universe in and of itself, even; it is round, representing the 360 degrees of knowledge. The head also encases the face- which represents the whole of your individual identity. And the head rules the body; we know, even with all of the miracles that science can perform, that there’s still nothing even it can do to replace your head should you manage to lose it.
Understanding the significance of our Spirit, then, we want to ensure that we keep its house, the head, clear and clean. As such, we must begin to pay close attention to and give great care to our head; we must be cautious and conscious of what we put on and in it, and who influences it, as well as where we put and what we do with our head. It is through our head, the base of thought, that we are guided.
Most people were taught to cover their heads to protect the sacred knowledge they received. Today, however, we have lost touch with the value and meaning of protecting, blessing, and guarding the head. Somehow the head has become an item to be adorned, rather than an element to be adored. But it is through the head that our spiritual enrichment takes place. Unless your head and heart are aligned with one another in righteousness, then you cannot hope to achieve spiritual oneness and purification.
One simple way to overcome this challenge is to not only veil, but to perform the Blessing of the Head daily- or, at the very least, once weekly. Blessing your head in this manner develops and strengthens your consciousness and accelerates spiritual development, learning, and maturity. It also diminishes limited perceptions of reality; it is a powerful self honoring, self supportive, and self affirming step towards connecting with and learning to trust Deity- and in the important task of bringing your Head and Heart into alignment with one another.
In order to grow spiritually, learn new ways of being, and live the truth of your being… To align your purpose with the Divine… It becomes necessary to align your core self in such a manner; Deity speaks to all of us through our own inner voice. That inner voice, however, will never force itself into your awareness. It has to be invited. Blessing your head is, in part, an explicit invitation to the Spirit, your Soul, your highest and most holy self, the Divine Spark within you, to guide you, to protect you, and to teach you.
Main Sources
- 'Tapping the Power Within: A Path to Self-Empowerment for Women' (non-’Black Women’ specific version) by Iyanla Vanzant