Personal Divinity Prompts
Day 1: Name the deity and give a quick overview of them. How did you become aware of them, and what initially drew you to them?
Day 2: Names and epithets; Does your deity have any alternate names or epithets? If they do, what are they, and what do they mean? Do you prefer any in particular? Have you created any of your own?
Day 3: Symbols and icons; Are there any plants, animals, or other symbols associated with this deity? Do you have any of your own doxa about their associations?
Day 4: Regions and Variations; Are there any related deities or entities who are associated or syncretized with this deity? Any regional or other forms of them known, etc?
Day 5: Sacred Spaces; Does the deity have and places associated with them and their worship- such as cult centers, locations sacred to them, or other areas associated with them?
Day 6: Festivals; Are there any times or days sacred to this deity, or which they or any aspect of their mythos is celebrated?
Day 7: Describe your relationship to them now. How has this relationship changed over time?
Day 8: What method(s) do you usually use to commune with or connect to (not “contact”) your deity? Why do you like using that method, or what’s special about it to you?
Day 9: Is there a quote, a poem, or other piece of art that you strongly associate with this deity- or perhaps one of your own compositions?
Day 10: What does your average period of active worship look like (what offerings do you give, how often you pray, and so on)?
Day 11: What resources (historical, intuitive, etc) did you use to develop this praxis, and how did you go about developing it? Have you developed any other praxis surrounding your deity outside of periods of active worship?
Day 12: Where do you hope your relationship goes from here? Are there any goals, or plans, or changes to be made as you move forward?
Main Sources
- Personally written / created