This is my personal Book of Shadows. If you find it useful or helpful in any capacity, please consider buying me a Coffee.

Prayer Journal Prompts

Daily Check-Ins

  • Write down five things you’re grateful for, and thank the Gods for them.
  • Meditate for two, five, or ten minutes. Write about it afterward.
  • If you remember last night’s dream, record it and what you think it might mean.
  • Tell the Gods about your goals for the day.
  • Read one chapter of a book each morning and write notes.
  • Record the weather. How does it make you feel? Would you thank your deities for the weather or season?
  • Cleanse with smoke or crystals and then write down how you feel afterward.
  • Perform divination--draw a tarot card, pull a rune, or scy for a bit. What was your question? What was your answer?
  • Talk to the Gods about what is bothering you.
  • Find an inspirational quote. What do you like / not like about it? How does it relate to your practice?
  • Choose one symbol, crystal, herb, or divination tool. Research its correspondences and note how you can use it in your practice.
  • Contact a spirit you’re familiar with. What method did you use? Divination, meditation, or something else? How did it go?

For a Pantheon / Religion

  • Are there any major holidays coming up? If so, how can you prepare for them?
  • Study how the ancients practiced this religion, and take notes. What can you include in your practice? What will you exclude?
  • Look up the tenets of your religion, if applicable. Do you agree or disagree with these rules? How can you include them in your practice?
  • Give an offering to the Gods, such as a candle, incense, coffee / tea, or even water. How do you feel afterward? Is any particular deity grabbing your attention?
  • Talk about your favorite or least favorite myths from this religion.
  • Jot down a general prayer for all the deities, such as “Gods, I thank You all for ___.”
  • If you are interested in any other pantheon, study it and take notes.
  • Research a deity in your pantheon Whom you don’t know as well. What did you learn about Them?
  • How do you feel about this religion’s view of the afterlife?
  • Does your religion have a holiday calendar? If so, write about it.
  • Are there any local legends or folklore where you live? Study and write about them.
  • Why did you choose this religion or pantheon?
  • If you are eclectic or still choosing a Pagan religion, write down what you are looking for in a belief system.
  • Write down anything you love about your religion / pantheon.
  • Record your worship goals. In the next month, season, or year, look back at your list. What have you accomplished?
  • Are you thankful to this religion for any positives in your life? If so, write those down.

For One Specific Deity

  • Give one offering to your deity and sit with Them for a bit. How was that experience?
  • Meditate with your deity. How did it go?
  • Look up your deity’s symbols and write about them.
  • Research how the ancients worshiped your deity. What can you incorporate into your faith?
  • Research how modern worshippers work with your deity (check blogs and social media). Have you found any new ideas or perspectives?
  • Describe your relationship with your deity. Does it feel like a friendship, parental love, or something more?
  • Tell your deity about your goals for the day.
  • Tell your deity what you like about Them and/or why you chose Them.
  • What are your favorite myths associated with this deity? Why?
  • What do you think are your deity’s favorite offerings?
  • Have you experienced any signs that you believe came from a deity? If so, ask Them about it.
  • Ask your deity if They have any messages for you, and then perform divination. What was your answer?
  • Tell your deity about any thoughts or feelings you want to share.
  • Look up your deity’s epithets or titles. Which ones do you like? What do you think they mean?
  • Google some prayers for your deities. Do you like these prayers? What about the prayer stuck out to you?
  • If it has been a long time since you’ve spoken to a deity, write down how that makes you feel. Do you feel you need to apologize? Are you nervous? Guilty?
  • Do you associate any song with your deity? If so, why?


  • What is the meaning of this holiday?
  • Are there any symbols associated with this holiday? List associations if applicable.
  • Are any specific deities associated with this holiday? If so, how?
  • How did the ancients celebrate this holiday?
  • How do modern practitioners celebrate this holiday?
  • Do you have any plans for this holiday? If you celebrated already, how did it go?
  • What prayers would you give to your deity / deities on this day?
  • What foods are used to celebrate this holiday?
  • What are you grateful for on this day?
  • What are you hoping to do or achieve on this day?
  • If you are planning for a specific holiday, brainstorm ideas of what you can do.
  • Do you want to decorate your altar for the holiday? If so, brainstorm some ideas of what you can do.
  • Write down your ideal schedule for the day. See how many of these things you can accomplish. Instead of focusing on what you can’t / didn’t do, focus on what you achieved.

Moon Phases / Astrology

  • What is the current moon phase? What does this phase mean?
  • What is the current astrological season?
  • Are there any planets in retrograde? If so, how is this making you feel?
  • Read your daily horoscope. What do you think about it?
  • Brainstorm ideas for what you can do during this moon phase or a future one.
  • If you work with any specific deities during these days, pray to Them. Tell Them what you are excited or apprehensive about.
  • How do you feel during this astrological season? Are your feelings different than usual?

Main Sources

  • Tumblr user @death-witch-envy