This is my personal Book of Shadows. If you find it useful or helpful in any capacity, please consider buying me a Coffee.

Write Your Witchcraft

  1. What draws me to witchcraft?
  2. How do I see the divine?
  3. What in witchcraft makes me happy?
  4. Do I want to follow a path that has to do with a little nature, or a lot of nature?
  5. What areas of witchcraft would I like to learn more about?
  6. Where do my witchy talents lie?
  7. What kind of deities, if any, do I want to honor?
  8. How do I believe magic works?
  9. Simple or elaborate spells / rituals? Why?
  10. What are my views on cursing / hexing?
  11. Do I want to practice something similar to my ancestors?
  12. What are the basic morals and ethics I feel I should live by?
  13. What in nature am I drawn to; the ocean, animals, the trees, etc?
  14. Which (witchy) holidays, if any, would I like to celebrate and how?
  15. How do I believe divination works?
  16. Would I like to work with a group some of the time, all of the time or not at all?
  17. Which aspects of witchcraft appeal to me most, which the least?
  18. What do I believe happens to us when we die?
  19. How do I see mythological creatures?
  20. When do I feel most magical?
  21. How much is witchcraft woven into my daily life; is this too much, too little or just enough?
  22. What kind of witch do I feel I am?
  23. Which texts / quotes best describe my current path?
  24. Do I like research and gathering info, or do I like things handed to me?
  25. Which things about witchcraft worry or scare me?
  26. What is my favorite element?
  27. How do I see gender (and gender roles) in witchcraft?
  28. Am I interested more in magic, or spirituality?
  29. Do I like to be told how to do things, or would I rather figure it out on my own?
  30. What rules, if any, do I live by when it comes to witchcraft and magic?
  31. What do I gain from witchcraft and magic?
  32. Formal or informal rituals / spells? Why?
  33. What subject do I love to study?
  34. What is my favorite type of magic; candle, sympathetic, sigils, etc?
  35. What would my perfect witchy day be like?
  36. Would I want to be dedicated / initiated?
  37. Who do I honor (ex: deities, ancestors, myself, etc), and how do I, or would I like to, honor them?
  38. How do I create a sacred / witchy space?
  39. What do I believe is needed for a successful spell / ritual?
  40. Which cultures do I draw from in my witchcraft?
  41. What is my learning style; books, websites, videos, more hands-on?
  42. What, if anything, in my mundane life influences my witchcraft?
  43. What are my hobbies, how do I (or can I) incorporate them in my witchcraft?
  44. Where do my non-witchy talents lie, how do I (or can I) incorporate them in my witchcraft?
  45. What would my dream witchy life look like? What steps can I take to work towards it?
  46. What would my dream sacred space / witchy home look like? What steps can I take to work towards it?
  47. What symbols correspond with me; runes, animals, flowers, gemstones, etc?
  48. Am I an open and proud witch, or do I (need to) hide my craft?
  49. What are my favorite witchy items / tools; divination tool, ritual tool, décor, clothing, etc?
  50. What is holding me back in my craft?
  51. What is my pre-spell / ritual routine?
  52. What are my ultimate witchy goals and how can I work towards them?

Main Sources

  • Tumblr user @fernthewhimsical (formerly @baduhennasraven)